
__~thoughtful writings~_____Ø(^_ ^ )o

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Presentation Stuff

1) revised abstract - Belinda
2) background - Erika
3) research questions - Shilpa
4)methods - (affordances/data collected-->ask questions)
~ internet/e-research & urban research - Belinda
~ humanities & obs/participation - Erika
4) human subjects - Shilpa
5) daily schedule - Shilpa (talk)
6) ref list
7) interview questions - Erika/Shilpa

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Symposium Presentation Stuff

Hey all,

Reminder that the symposium is this Friday, and we don't really have anything definitive. So here's what we have so far:

~ Intro (chris)
~ Methods (Shilpa, Demi...Lisa?)
~ Projects (i'm gonna steal this from the poster ppl,I can talk about this)
~ EAAST Conference (I'll do this part too i guess ^_^)
~ Conclusion(Lacy?)

Tell me if this works for you guys. If you guys can email/comment your stuff (how do methods ppl wanna split it up?)
I can try to put it into a rough ppt. and show it to you guys on Weds. class.
Anyone that can stay afterwards on Weds can help me finish it up too.
See you guys in class on Wed!


Sunday, May 14, 2006

Domain Analysis for Mon 5/15

We chose to analyze the Expatica forums on Netherlands Healthcare.
My observations:
issues reason responses freq # ppl
seek prenatal yoga classes recommendations link article, opinions on classes, debating on personal obs mult/day 4
seek place for pregn. Test recommendations

advice on billing processes info suggested process 1/mn 2
seek place for speech assessment recommendations suggest places/processes, advice mult/day 4
seek private pediatrician recommendations explain healthcare system, sugest process 1/mn 3
maternity leave policies info personal prefs mult/day 4
insurance for entrepreneurs info offer personal assist, site article mult/day 2
get certificate of health info suggess process 1/mn 3
supplies for expecting moms info offer personal assist 1/mn 2
natural meds recommendations suggest procedures/meds, personal exp mult/day 5
infant mortality rates opinion offer opinion mult/day 2
Childbirth classes recommendations suggest places, site articles/sites, give personal exp mult/day 6
bad prenatal healthcare rant personal exp, sites (docs vs. midwives) mult/day 17
natural vitamins recommendations site articles mult/day 3
price of healthcare insurance info opninons, explain policies, rant mult/day 6
chronic pain meds recommendations suggest processes, cite cites/articles, offer personal assist mult/day 5
insurance for pregn info cite articles, personal opinions, suggest processes mult/day 4
when to see a doc opnion personal exp, suggest processes mult/day 3
custom molded ear plugs recommendations Dutch translation (unrel) 1/mn 2

Shilpa's relation analysis:
Included terms Semantic Relation Cover
Expatriat Is a kind of Person
Patient Is a kind of Person
Women Is a kind of Expatriat, patient, person
Mothers Is a kind of Women, patient, expatriat
Psychologist Is a kind of Doctor
Gynocologist Is a kind of Doctor
Patients are looking for Doctor
patients are looking for clinics
Women are looking for Procedures
Pap smear Is a kind of Procedure
Ultrasound Is a kind of procedure
circumcision Is a kind of procedure
Patients are looking for insurance
menopause Is a kind of condition
prescriptions Is a kind of treatment
birth control pills Is a kind of prescription
custom molded ear plugs Is a kind of treatment
IUD Is a kind of treatment
infertility Is a kind of condition

Analysis of Participants:
~ majority of issues were on pregnancy, insurance, personal problems with healthcare
~ Most posts were helpful (very few rants), some even gave contact info for more one-on-one interaction
~ many participants still identify themselves with their home country (screenames)
(ex) sholay, pakora - Indian

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Urban Studies Assignment for Mon 5/8

UWMC (Cancer Clinic & ER/Urgent Care)
~ Sat. is not the best time to go observe a hospital because it's virtually empty (we shoul have tried harborview maybe)
~ Most of the clinics were closed & locked (Genetics Cancer Clinic)
~ Cancer Clinic was open but dark & deserted
  • lots of resources available (community bulletin, info pamphlets/magazines)
  • waiting room is family-friendly

~ ER was the only open clinic to the public

  • most people waiting seemed here for urgent care (less severe conditions)
  • One ambulence pulled up with a patient on a stretcher

(advantageds with method) observe how much emphasis clincs put on the insurance issue

(disadvantages with method) hard to discern how people feel about this issue

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Reading Assignment for Wed 4/3

I was the lucky one in my group to get the slightly longer read of "Looking ar Cities," by AB Jacobs. However, the contents in the passages were interesting in the sense that it got me to ponder about the neighborhood I currently live in. Clearly, most people would not consciously analyze many of the aspects described unless you were looking to move into a particular area. As I’ve lived in the Northgate for most of my life, I have been able to observe many of the changes that have happened over time.

My neighborhood was originally for retirees, but a recent buying of houses in the area has filled the area with younger families and even other college students! There has also been additional renovation to the commercial section (fixing up the mall and adding additional plazas that are family-friendly) that has assisted the general influx of younger people. In addition, the prices of houses near ours has risen exponentially, which leads me to my questions - What causes a neighborhood to become more in-demand than others especially if it's mainly residential (no big companies to attract workers)? Does an increase in demand cause a general beautifying of the neighborhood or vis-versa...or is it a co-catalytic relationship?