
__~thoughtful writings~_____Ø(^_ ^ )o

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Background Info

Hey, my name is Belinda Luk and I just got back from shadowing rural doctors in Eastern WA so forgive me if this blog tends to ramble (sitting 8 hrs in the car will do that to you...-_-zZ) I'm a junior (3rd year senior by credits tho... O_O) majoring in CMD Biology with a minor in music. I think UW is trying to keck me out, but I'm going to try to stretch it for one more year! From my spring break activities, you can probably tell that I'm a premed student who's starting to look at schools and hoping to start the application process this year (hoping to get much of that done before we go to Amsterdam).

This quarter along with our seminar, I'm finishing up the biochem series (BIOC 442), taking Histology (BIOL 403) along with piano lessons and research. Unfortunately, my histology class conflicts with the first 30 min. of our seminar so if you see me huffing into class late, you'll know why! As for research, I work in the Oncology Dept. of the VA medical center under Dr. Daniel Wu. We are studying how a protein called survivin interacts in the cell and manifests as cancer. W hope to understand its mechanism in order to create a drug to manipulate it and prevent cancer! (^_^)V

As a premed, you can probably understand that my life is pretty crazy with classes and extracurricular activities, so I have lots of ways to relax and "blow off steam." My main one is classical music. Apart from piano lessons in UW, I go to Meany and Benaroya Hall with friends to listen to concerts at night (if you're intersted, call me up!) I also play the cello and the pipa (Chinese lute), which keeps me pretty busy. On Friday nights, I hang out with my church youth group. Weekends are usually reserved for playing catch-up in school with an occasional free movie with family. In school, I tend to draw and watch anime (currently, I'm into Bleach and Naruto!) especially when i'm suppose to be paying attention in class! <(^_ ^ ;)

In terms of our class, I would like to connect the research to my medical interests. I've worked long enough in the research lab to understand the scientific aspects so I'm interested in studying the social aspects of healthcare. Other than that, I'm not too sure about the details until I do a little more researching about Amsteredam myself!


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